Using a custom domain

SupportUsing Dropmark

Dropmark supports custom domain names on our Team and Pro plans.


Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Using your domain registrar, point your domain’s CNAME to (general instructions for specific domain providers). If you do not already own a domain, you can buy one from a company like or

  2. Once your domain changes have propagated (may take up to 24-48 hours), log into Dropmark. In your Account page (for Teams, visit your Team Settings page instead), click “Use a custom domain name” underneath the username field:

  3. Enter your custom domain name and click Save.

You should now be able to access your Dropmarks from your own domain name.

Root-level domains

Some domain providers do not allow CNAMEs at the root level (aka “naked”, “bare” or “apex” domains), in this case we recommend using a subdomain like www (you can redirect your root domain using the free service wwwizer).

If you prefer to use a root domain, here are some providers who support root-level CNAMEs.